Frontløberne is a community of young creatives,
aiming to create cultural and social value.
aiming to create cultural and social value.
Since 1982 Frontløberne have been
involved in various porjects.
involved in various porjects.
When we have open positions at Frontløberne
they will be posted here, or on our social media.
they will be posted here, or on our social media.
Frontløberne is an association with a board, a management and a membership-driven community.
Our board consists of five-seven representatives from the culture- and business sector. The board draws up the bigger lines of the organisation and hires the daily managers of the organisation.
Our members are young culture creators between 16-35 years. The membership is obtained through active participation in Frontløberne’s work.
Frontløberne is supported by Aarhus Municipality (Aarhus Kommune) with a yearly operational supplement of ca. 1 mio. kr., that covers our rent and administrative costs. Everything we do besides that is based on projects, an activist spirit and commitment. From time to time we secure project support that is directly put into creating more youth culture in Aarhus - and all of Denmark.
We are always open for new members,
collaborations, and partnerships.
contact become a member
Jægergårdsgade 154c, Sydhavnen, 8000 Aarhus C
CVR: 13003335