Welcome to Frontløberne.



The core of 
our community 
is our members.

keep exploring

is a... 

We serve as a connector for members, organizations, and institutions seeking to expand their networks, gain knowledge about project development, or explore the cultural grassroots scene.

Place to be
Our organization functions as an in-between space for those in transitional periods, providing a place to explore creativity alongside or with other young people.

Space to grow 
Frontløberne acts as a springboard for those looking to grow their projects, helping them establish roots and strengthen their impact.


A community radio station started in October 2023, at Frontløberne.
All shows are produced by volunteers.
The station's aim is to make the city feel a little smaller by broadcasting your friends' voices on the radio, and the voices of those who might soon become your friends.

We always have an open door + We are an community for those who want it + We have Aarhus as a starting point and orientate towards the world + We dare to dream big + We believe in commitment and the drive to make a difference + We make an effort and practice + We make mistakes and become smarter + We create encounters between people + We water grass root projects to help them grow+We always have an open door + We are an community for those who want it + We have Aarhus as a starting point and orientate towards the world + We dare to dream big + We believe in commitment and the drive to make a difference + We make an effort and practice + We make mistakes and become smarter + We create encounters between people + We water grass root projects to help them grow+

We are always open for new members,
collaborations, and partnerships.

contact   become a member

Jægergårdsgade 154c, Sydhavnen, 8000 Aarhus C
CVR: 13003335