
A community radio station started in October 2023, at Frontløberne.
All shows are produced by volunteers.
The station's aim is to make the city feel a little smaller by broadcasting your friends' voices on the radio, and the voices of those who might soon become your friends.

We always have an open door + We are an community for those who want it + We have Aarhus as a starting point and orientate towards the world + We dare to dream big + We believe in commitment and the drive to make a difference + We make an effort and practice + We make mistakes and become smarter + We create encounters between people + We water grass root projects to help them grow+

We are always open for new members,
collaborations, and partnerships.

contact   become a member

Jægergårdsgade 154c, Sydhavnen, 8000 Aarhus C
CVR: 13003335