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Lydterapeutiske redskaber

member projectProject managers: Kåre Wulff & Simon Erdmann

Multisensory sound therapy.

In collaboration between Frontløberne, a group of musicians and composers from Midtjylland, the choir Ensamble Edge, Gødstrup Regional Hospital, and Aarhus University Hospital, we aim to create multisensory "sound journeys" developed with specially designed music and sound design.

These are intended to serve as supportive and calming tools in the parents' grief process when they are connected to the hospitals' specific departments for Grief and Loss.

We always have an open door + We are an community for those who want it + We have Aarhus as a starting point and orientate towards the world + We dare to dream big + We believe in commitment and the drive to make a difference + We make an effort and practice + We make mistakes and become smarter + We create encounters between people + We water grass root projects to help them grow+

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Jægergårdsgade 154c, Sydhavnen, 8000 Aarhus C
CVR: 13003335