#IPilLoveAarhus #KunstIKrogene #DiversityPortfolio #BagDørenFrontløberne
I pilLOVE Aarhus, March–September: Frontløberne’s pillow project featured cross-stitched cushions with statements about the city, collected from citizens. These were exhibited at multiple locations, including the City Hall, Godsbanen, and Envision, and sold at the store Ønskemøbler. The project involved collaborations with Ældresagen, Aarhus Produktionsskole, Lær Dansk, and various volunteers.
Jury visit in the backyard, August 22:
Before Aarhus was named the European Capital of Culture for 2017, the international jury visited Mejlgade, representing Creative Aarhus. Frontløberne showcased their initiatives during a five-minute presentation.
Godsbanen opening, March 30: Frontløberne celebrated the opening of the new cultural production center with gifts, including two tables/benches in their signature green color, embroidered pillows, and an invitation to write wishes for Godsbanen and Aarhus’s cultural future on the tables. Selected messages were later embroidered and presented as gifts to Godsbanen.
KulturDanmark, December 3: At an inspiration meeting with then-Culture Minister Uffe Elbæk, Frontløberne’s leader Signe Lund Juhler, along with 14 other cultural actors, presented ideas at the Filmhøjskolen in Ebeltoft. The minister also met F16 and young creatives, collecting suggestions via graffiti and SMS-based haiku poetry.
The visual portfolio Diversity, April: A digital archive of photos, paintings, and illustrations showcasing creative diversity in Mejlgade and Aarhus. This project, in collaboration with Mejlgade for Mangfoldighed, was launched at an event at Godsbanen, featuring a speech by Mayor Jacob Bundsgaard.
How To-series, March 28 premiere: Monthly sessions introducing cultural project enthusiasts to inspiring individuals, groups, and organizations from different cultural fields.
Friday bar events: Informal gatherings for the house’s users and their friends.
Golden Jubilee, December 31: A New Year’s Eve party with a wealth theme, organized by a group of Frontløberne members.
F16 Projekt bureau
Kulturlyd #1, February 4:
A music event in the A-House at Godsbanen, raising 19,000 DKK for the Children’s Cancer Foundation.
El Segundo, February 18: A hip-hop event at Train organized by Carl Emil Johansen from F16 in collaboration with others.
Kreuzberg Højskole, February: Members of F16 spent two weeks in Berlin assisting Johan Toft in establishing a new school and project house inspired by Frontløberne's working methods.
Kunst i Krogene, April 21:
A daylong cultural treasure hunt, featuring films, paintings, garage culture, light graffiti, and more in Aarhus’s hidden corners.
Gækkebrevs-aktion, March 31: F16 used "gækkebreve" (Danish Easter letters) to inform the public about the rescheduling of Kunst i Krogene due to fears of violent protests in Aarhus. The letters, containing messages of love and information, were slipped into mailboxes around the city.
Behind The Doors, April 21: Part of Kunst i Krogene, this photo exhibition by Laura Tams Bondgaard showcased everyday situations from unique perspectives at Pier 1.
Mejlgade for Mangfoldighed, May 12: F16 members contributed to the street festival with music bookings, live stage design, a chill-out oasis, and other installations in the urban space.
NorthSide Festival, June 15–17: F16 organized creative decorations and activities along Caminoen, the pathway to the festival, including a graffitied wall, a sign forest, and a pearl bead tree.
ByiByiBy, September: During Aarhus Festuge, a miniature city installation at Bispetorv symbolized the theme "BIG" by showing how small elements contribute to a larger whole. The project included a workshop where participants could build their cultural city in miniature.
Bag Døren, October: An urban art installation featuring 20 decorated doors placed around the city during Kulturnat, inviting reflection on Aarhus’s urban spaces. Created with Dørministeriet and ByiBy.
Gårdbyggeri, November: Renovation of Frontløberne’s vertical courtyard garden in collaboration with JungleByg.
Other events
Kulturlyd: Simon Skjærbæk Carstens and Malte Sanggård Dideriksen, behind February’s Kulturlyd event, returned to organize four more music events during the year.
Mejlgade for Mangfoldighed: Frontløberne served as the headquarters for the festival organizers.
Mejlgade for Brætspil: Biweekly board game evenings at Frontløberne, featuring cozy gatherings with coffee, cookies, and game pieces.
Quonga: The theater festival at Brobergskolen used Frontløberne as a base.
Måskefilm: Monthly video events at Café Under Masken showcased music videos and short films by local filmmakers.
Himmelhaven: Worked on a vertical urban garden at Frontløberne and supported the "Adopt A Box" initiative.
Kanonstøberiet: Hosted jazz, swing, and funk music events at Jacobs Barbq.
MM Booking: Organized music events across Aarhus.
Draw More Club: Held drawing sessions and participated in Kunst i Krogene.
Creative Mornings, February–December: Morning events combining breakfast with creative inspiration at various city locations.
NorthSide Festival, June 15–17: Organized the "zine factory," where festivalgoers contributed poems, collages, and drawings for a zine published on July 25.
Mejlgade for Mangfoldighed: Frontløberne served as the headquarters for the festival organizers.
Mejlgade for Brætspil: Biweekly board game evenings at Frontløberne, featuring cozy gatherings with coffee, cookies, and game pieces.
Quonga: The theater festival at Brobergskolen used Frontløberne as a base.
Måskefilm: Monthly video events at Café Under Masken showcased music videos and short films by local filmmakers.
Himmelhaven: Worked on a vertical urban garden at Frontløberne and supported the "Adopt A Box" initiative.
Kanonstøberiet: Hosted jazz, swing, and funk music events at Jacobs Barbq.
MM Booking: Organized music events across Aarhus.
Draw More Club: Held drawing sessions and participated in Kunst i Krogene.
Creative Mornings, February–December: Morning events combining breakfast with creative inspiration at various city locations.
NorthSide Festival, June 15–17: Organized the "zine factory," where festivalgoers contributed poems, collages, and drawings for a zine published on July 25.
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Jægergårdsgade 154c, Sydhavnen, 8000 Aarhus C
CVR: 13003335