#Flashmob #mangofldighed #kulturproduktion Frontløberne
14:48, January: 14:48, a cultural production festival at Ridehuset (in collaboration with Quonga).
Open Work Night, Spring: Open work night for project makers and other curious minds.
Online Idea Development, March: A creative platform for online brainstorming.
Fastelavnsfest, March: A traditional carnival party.
General Assembly with Frontløber Seminar, April: Frontløber gathering for a seminar.
Mejlgade For Mangfoldighed, May: A celebration of diversity with vibrant activities on Mejlgade.
"Dansens Aftryk," April: A PR event ahead of the Connections Festival.
BaggårdsBal, Spring: Ongoing Friday bar events at Frontløberne.
Aarhus For Naboskab, Autumn: Flashmob for fostering good neighborly relations in the city center.
Visit from Tunisia, Autumn: A meeting about democracy and youth participation shortly after the revolution.
F16 Projekt bureau
JanuarSmadder, January: A music event at Fatter Eskil.
Aarhus For Mangfoldighed, April: Diversity signs in the city center.
Flashmob for Kenya, May: A pillow fight at Lille Torv in support of Kenya, in collaboration with Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke.
Græs For Mangfoldighed, April: A PR event ahead of Mejlgade For Mangfoldighed.
Support Party for Mejlgade For Mangfoldighed, April: Origami cranes, music, and socializing at V58.
Football-Free Zone, June: Beadboards, stilletto racing, board games, and absolutely no football at Sct. Annagade School during the U21 European Football Championship in Aarhus, in collaboration with Aarhus Municipality.
"Mistakes," August: Decorating toilet trailers in Rebeltown at Bispetorv + toilet seat art during Aarhus Festuge.
"Aarhus in Motion," October: A part of Kulturnat Aarhus.
Other events
Medoc Ferraz Film: Various productions, including music videos, commercials, and art films.
Maskefilm:Monthly video festival at Café Under Masken featuring local filmmakers.
Actor Meetings:Various events at Frontløberne for actors.
Casting Events: Ongoing casting meetings at Frontløberne.
Himmelmave: Wednesday events at Frontløberne with communal meals and the distribution of ordered fruits and vegetables within the food cooperative.
Bellastock Festival, August: Green street art decoration during Aarhus Festuge.
Mejlgade For Mangfoldighed: "Kulturkamp," May. Information and planning meetings in the spring.
MM Booking: Club 100, Spring: A recurring music event at Café Slabbarads.
QUONGA 14:48, Cultural Production Festival at Ridehuset (in collaboration with Frontløberne). QuongaFest, Annual Festival for Independent Performing Arts. Quonga's 5th Birthday, Celebration at Godsbanen with workshops, etc.
Fighting for Lives: Informational meetings at Frontløberne.
Mejlgade For Brætspil: A series of board game nights every other Wednesday.
We are always open for new members,
collaborations, and partnerships.
contact become a member
Jægergårdsgade 154c, Sydhavnen, 8000 Aarhus C
CVR: 13003335