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(or start with one of our books)


workshops talks consulting educational process

Frontløberne have loads of experience with project management and there are many project makers on the team, who are all talented and inspiring teachers. 

We can put together workshops in a specific subject or we can create a longer course across different workshops. We adjust our teachings to your wishes and needs.

Below this is an overview of some of the subjects, we offer teachings in.

The Project: Project management and coordination. What is a project and what are the phases of a project?
Power Of Action: How do we get the courage to act on our ideas and become more powerful in regards to action?
Organising, Fundraising and Finances:How can projects be organised and what structure is needed? How do we fundraise money to cultural projects and what is a good project application? How are the finances of a project managed and how do we create a solid budget?
PR and Communication: What is the best way to launch the message of a project?
Leadership and Facilitating: What is a good leader for oneself and others? Focus on the role of the project manager and the personal leadership. What is required for facilitating good meetings and processes that involves others in the project?
Volunteers and The Team: How do we create a good team where everybody is motivated? How do we motivate young volunteers and what should we be extra attentive of?
Experience Design, Creative Proces and Design Thinking: How do we kick-start creativity, get ideas, create prototypes and manage a creative proces? 
How do we create a good experience for others?


We always have an open door + We are an community for those who want it + We have Aarhus as a starting point and orientate towards the world + We dare to dream big + We believe in commitment and the drive to make a difference + We make an effort and practice + We make mistakes and become smarter + We create encounters between people + We water grass root projects to help them grow+

We are always open for new members,
collaborations, and partnerships.

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Jægergårdsgade 154c, Sydhavnen, 8000 Aarhus C
CVR: 13003335