#springbrættet #MejlgadeForMangfoldighed #GrafittiWorkshopFrontløberne
Springbrættet, January-June:
A regular Thursday event at Frontløberne for project creators and other curious individuals. The gathering offered networking, sparring, and inspirational talks by invited guests. Some of the themes of the year included Passionate Project Making and Team Dynamics.
A regular Thursday event at Frontløberne for project creators and other curious individuals. The gathering offered networking, sparring, and inspirational talks by invited guests. Some of the themes of the year included Passionate Project Making and Team Dynamics.
2017 Messe, March/April: As part of the mapping of Aarhus' cultural scene, Frontløberne participated in the 2017 Secretariat’s fair at Ridehuset. Their stand was built using pallets and graffiti, featuring original PR materials and fun activities.
Kulør, April: A colorful all-day event at Frontløberne. It served as a relaunch of Frontløberne, refreshing the courtyard environment with new graffiti murals and invited street artists. The event also included a street art workshop, a Frontløber museum, a board game café, and a closing party.
14:48, May/June:
A concept for an American theater festival got a creative spin in the collaborative idea centrifuge of Frontløberne and Quonga. What emerged was a production festival with a broader cultural base than just theater, with idea development in May/June and planning during the fall and winter.
Magisk Midsommer, June:
A Midsummer celebration at the Den Permanente beach house, complete with a bead board workshop, fortune teller, bar, wishing well, grill, music, burning oil drums, and plenty of magical ambiance to chase away evil spirits.
Graffiti Workshop, September:
A collaboration with the Children and Youth Council in Aarhus Municipality.
Springbrættet Version 2.0, September-
A collaboration with the Children and Youth Council in Aarhus Municipality.
Springbrættet Version 2.0, September-
December: Frontløberne’s regular Thursday event continued into the autumn, featuring a new set of exciting speakers. Some of the themes for the fall included Access to Authorities, Leadership, and Project Toolbox.
Reception for Renovated Frontløberne, November: With champagne and hotdogs, Frontløberne celebrated the completion of a several-month renovation of their indoor spaces, carried out in collaboration with Aarhus Produktionsskole and landlord Sinding & Co.
F16 Projekt bureau
Design for Smukfest, February/March: Frontløber Emil Søby contributed his creative mind and design skills to the decoration of an entrance portal, dance floor, and theme bar for the year’s Smukfest festival.
Premiere of Stop Motion Film, April: Patience was key when Frontløber Erling Møller, armed with modeling clay, imagination, and a camera, produced his charming claymation films using the stop-motion technique.
Bestseller Project, June: Graffiti on Strøget? Passersby were stunned as a group of F16 members raised spray cans on the Bestseller store’s façade on Strøget. This was part of a legal decoration project for the "World Views" event.
Legal Graffiti Wall in Aarhus, June: The message was clear: graffiti can be art. F16 members took over the Town Hall Square for an exhibition of works by some of Jutland's best graffiti artists. Later, they presented these works to local politicians as a gift, advocating for the creation of a legal graffiti wall in Aarhus.
Short Film Cinema in the Courtyard, June: Frontløberne transformed their courtyard into an outdoor cinema for the day, featuring the world premiere of their self-produced short film about the human psyche, titled "Dig – og dem, du ikke kan slå ihjel" (You – and Those You Can’t Kill).
Neigh:Bar, September (Aarhus Festuge): F16’s contribution to Aarhus Festuge 2010, with the theme of neighborhood bonding. F16 invited the city to gather for a communal meal at the Strandbaren, featuring a potluck, jam session, beer bowling, speed dating, and DJ performances.
Love in a Trashcan, September: F16 focused on overconsumption in the world and encouraged recycling and swapping. They hosted a swap market on Kloster Torv, where people could exchange clothing, and also distributed free coffee and bread, alongside a booth with secondhand items from the Church’s Emergency Aid.
Kulturnat Aarhus – V.I.P. Lounge, October: F16’s contribution to the annual Cultural Night was a stylish lounge and after-party at Godsbanen for members of the Cultural Night. Guests enjoyed homemade sushi, live music, and a selection of exciting DJs.
Arts Ark, December: An exciting and diverse concept exhibition featuring young, undiscovered talents in visual arts, photography, and ceramics, each exploring different archetypes and stereotypes.
Four Elements, December: A spectacular one-day HipHop festival at Godsbanen (A-House), bringing together the four elements of hip-hop – breakdancing, rapping, graffiti, and DJing. The festival included a graffiti workshop, dance battles, and concerts.
Other events
Reverse Graffiti Workshop, February: An inspiring workshop in the streets of Aarhus with one of the pioneers of reverse graffiti, British artist Moose. He travels the world with his pressure washer to reveal designs on dirty walls – including in Frontløberne’s courtyard.”Her må du gerne...,” April: At the street art workshop "Her må du gerne..." local street artists were on hand to guide participants. With their own "here you may..." signs, they helped make Aarhus a place where people are encouraged to have fun.
“With LEGO, Aarhus Will Be Rebuilt,” September: Creative minds took to the streets armed with LEGO bricks and a keen eye for detail, in a workshop led by German street artist Jan Vormann. Vormann is known for repairing cracks and crevices in city facades worldwide, and this time he worked on fixing up parts of Aarhus.
QuongaFest, April/May: With corn as their theme, Quonga was back in action. The annual theater festival by the quirky theater network Quonga once again offered an eye-opening experience to Aarhus’ theater audience, presenting a vibrant showcase of independent grassroots theater.
Gadefesten Mejlgade For Mangfoldighed, May: As usual, Frontløberne co-organized the popular street festival, filling Mejlgade with a colorful mix of confetti, live music, events, and happy people. F16 also organized two flashmobs during the day.
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Jægergårdsgade 154c, Sydhavnen, 8000 Aarhus C
CVR: 13003335